HR Glossary

What is Absconding? Meaning, Reasons and Strategies

HR Glossary

The phenomenon of employee absconding poses a considerable challenge for organisations. Employees’ unexpected departures without...
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Experience Letter – Format in Word & Pdf (Free Download)

HR Glossary

An experience letter is an official record the employer provides to employees, confirming their tenure with the organisation. When an...
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Leave Policy for Employees – Rules and Types of Leaves

HR Glossary

Employees in the public and private sectors are entitled to a certain number of leaves per year, in addition to holidays and days off....
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Resignation Letter – Format in Word, & Pdf (Free Download)

HR Glossary

Even though a significant number of employees resign from their jobs each month, informing your boss about your decision to leave the...
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What is a Probation Period? Meaning, Rules and Importance

HR Glossary

Employees typically have a probation period when starting a new job in India. This applies to everyone, regardless of their level of...
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Appointment Letter – Format in Word, & Pdf (Free Download)

HR Glossary

Welcoming a new employee requires a positive experience and a seamless onboarding process, which can be achieved through an appointment...
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Behavioural Interviews – Advantages and Commonly Asked Questions

HR Glossary

Behavioural interviews have become a standard part of the hiring process for many companies, and for good reason. Unlike traditional...
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Experience Certificate – Format in Word & Pdf (Free Download)

HR Glossary

An experience certificate is a formal document provided to an employee who has chosen to resign from their job. It outlines the...
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Disciplinary Action – Balancing Accountability and Employee Development

HR Glossary

Disciplinary actions play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy and productive workplace. When appropriately used, they can help address...
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Code of Conduct – The Foundation for Professional Behaviour

HR Glossary

Organisations need a solid ethical foundation—a code of conduct guides responsible and moral behaviour. A code of conduct is a set of...
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